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CocoMe Skincare

The CocoMe skincare line is hands down the best solution I have ever found for dry skin and lips. Their formula is this simple: 100% virgin organic coconut oil & beeswax. That's it. The major selling point to me was the simplicity and transparency of the formula. The added bonus was the peace of mind I found in not having to worry if the littles or pets accidentally got a hold of my cosmetic bag. The BEST part is how instantaneously the results are felt. Typical chapsticks, balms, and lotions have the tendency to give you an initial burst of moisture shortly followed by the sensation of being even drier than before the initial application or leave you feeling greasy yet somehow still not moisturized. My experience with the products below has finally shown me that actual skin hydration is possible to achieve and I can't wait for all of you to experience it as well!

honeycomb and coconut

The Benefits

Coconut Oil

provides moisture

helps suppress wrinkles

exfoliates & cleanses

forms a protective barrier







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